Company Clinic Networks

    September 2nd, 2021

    Company Clinic Networks define which clinics show up in driver authorization search results.  It also defines which groups clinics are included in: Preferred, Extended, Other, etc. 


    Clinic networks are defined on the company detail page.  If no clinics are added to the preferred or extended network, then the company is assumed to not have a network and all clinics are returned in their search results.

    When adding a new terminal to an existing company or modifying a network of a company with many terminals, the changes can be performed on one terminal and then copied to other terminals with the  propagate settings feature.

    Search Results

    Preferred clinics are first to return first, followed by extended clinics.  All clinics not in the list are put into the Out Of Network group that comes last.  Companies will see these clinics but they will see a "Request Access" button instead of "Authorize".

    Organization Based

    Organization based clinic networks allow for more flexibility and are less error prone.  The management of clinic networks is done on the organization  or parent organization page.

    Add Clinics

    Clinics can be added directly to each network group or added as part of a clinic group organization.  For example, if a company has access to all Little Clinic locations that perform drug screens, a Little Clinic w/ Drug Screen Support group can be created.  That group would be added to the companies clinic network.  When a new Little Clinic location is able to collect drug screens, it will be added to Little Clinic w/ Drug Screen Support and automatically be applied to all company clinic networks with that group.

    Network Group Ordering

    Network groups are shown in the following order: Preferred, Extended, Custom. A clinic in multiple groups will only show in the first group.  If a clinic is excluded, it will not show in any groups.

    Parent Organization Clinic Networks

    The effective clinic network is a merger of its clinic network with all of its parent organization clinic networks.  The network group a clinic belongs to is its highest order group of any merged clinic network.  If any merged clinic network has the clinic excluded, then it is excluded.

    Transitioning Away From Legacy

    Each company will continue to use the legacy clinic network system until its organization or parent organization is setup for the new system.  Once the new organization, or parent, is setup, then a flag is set on the companies organization, or parent, indicating the authorization search should use the new system.

    This is done by setting the organization.organization_network_migration_status to company_network or organization_networks.  If is is left blank the org will assume the value from one of it's parent orgs or default to company_network.

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